Tuesday 30 December 2014

Skype Time


Online video chats a.k.a. skype or facetime, is a blessing for all those who are scattered around the world and a source of wonder for toddlers. I belong to the generation where online video calling was familiar only in our early-twenties. But my daughter, however, falls into the tech-savy generation and has been online since she was a few weeks old! Little A's excited aunt and gleaming little cousins would fill the screen to watch her coo, cry and vocalize and go 'awww sooo cute', 'I wanna cuddle her' and so on. The little one would in turn cheekily smile at the ceiling fan and get excited on hearing the happiness around. Skype was a boon for the new dad's lonely heart to find solace from watching her play, when he had to work from UK for a few weeks.

Skype meant more when we moved to UK after my daughter turned one. That was the only source of respite for the grandparents who were terribly missing her! She would be amazed to see familiar faces talking to her from the screen and gleam at them or just ignore them and go about her business of bringing the roof down. Either ways, the ones on the other side find joy in just watching her! The grandparents, uncles and aunts would be totally amused at everything she does, be it her attempt to converse with them or toddling away from them to play pretend games. After all, she is the only reason, they come on skype! A small grin with a 'hi' 'hallo' would light up their faces and they'd be bursting with pride when she goes about performing for 'wheels on the bus', 'If you're happy and you know it' and so on and so forth. Little A would in turn brim with happiness when she sees them clapping and cheering, and thereby strengthen her rights on this 'Skype' business as well!

There is this peculiar stage in today's toddlers, when they get the sense of 'ownership' and think they own the laptop and everything it plays since start to shutdown, is for THEM. I warn you about the cold long stares or screams you'll be showered upon if you touch 'their' laptop for anything apart from rhymes or children shows!

As they grow older and understand things, they look forward to the skype times. Infact, my daughter was so familiar with her grandparent's and aunt's faces that she dint take time at all to gel with them during their visits. Now at 2.4, my little one excitedly says 'Sype' and shows me where to click and how to go about for a call with her Paati or Thatha or her cousins whom she calls as Akka! She wants to show them all her new toys and clothes as and when she gets them and tell stories from school,  that sounds more like gibberish. When we are about to end our chat, she flies from where she was engrossed with her toys and automatically waves bye, sreams seeeyuuuu, blows a kiss and waits impatiently for her rhymes to restart! Thats a sample of the techie generation for you!

Whatever is skype for adults, for kids, it is a fantasy world where they are always in popular demand by the people they adore!
A big bow to the latest technology that connects the longing hearts, old and young!

Image courtesy: freedigitalphotos.net